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[ Modified: Wednesday, 29 May 2024, 6:05 AM ]
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In the realm of education, mentorship plays a pivotal role in shaping students' personal and academic development. TNT Academy recognizes this significance and has woven mentorship into the very fabric of its educational philosophy, creating an environment where students not only learn from textbooks but also benefit from the guidance and support of dedicated mentors.

Mentorship at TNT Academy goes beyond the traditional teacher-student relationship. It involves cultivating meaningful connections between students and mentors who serve as more than just academic advisors. These mentors become role models, advocates, and champions of student success. The mentorship program at TNT Academy is designed to provide holistic support, addressing both academic challenges and personal growth.

One of the key benefits of mentorship at TNT Academy lies in its commitment to personalized support. Instead of offering generic advice, mentors work closely with students to understand their individual strengths, weaknesses, and goals. This personalized approach ensures that the guidance provided is tailored to meet each student's unique needs. Whether it's overcoming academic challenges, navigating

personal struggles, or charting a course for future career aspirations, mentors at TNT Academy are there to provide the encouragement, resources, and expertise needed for success.


Moreover, mentorship at TNT Academy extends beyond the academic realm. It encompasses holistic support for students' personal and emotional well-being. From offering a listening ear during challenging times to providing advice on effective time management and study skills, mentors play a crucial role in helping students navigate the ups and downs of student life. This holistic approach to mentorship contributes to the overall well-rounded development of TNT Academy students.


The impact of mentorship at TNT Academy is tangible, with students reporting higher levels of engagement, satisfaction, and academic success. By fostering a culture of mentorship and support, TNT Academy empowers students to thrive both inside and outside the classroom. The mentorship program serves as a cornerstone of the institution's commitment to nurturing not just educated individuals but confident, resilient, and well-prepared individuals ready to face the challenges of the future.


In essence, mentorship at TNT Academy is a dynamic and reciprocal relationship that transforms the educational experience into a journey of personal and academic growth. It exemplifies the institution's dedication to providing a comprehensive and supportive learning environment where mentorship is not just a program but a fundamental aspect of the TNT Academy experience.

[ Modified: Monday, 27 May 2024, 11:36 AM ]
Anyone in the world

Education at TNT Academy transcends the confines of conventional pedagogy, aiming not just to impart knowledge but to instill a lifelong passion for learning. At the core of this transformative approach is TNT Academy's innovative curriculum, a dynamic framework designed to inspire curiosity, foster critical thinking, and nurture creativity.

Diverging from traditional educational models characterized by rigid structures and predetermined paths, TNT Academy's curriculum is marked by its adaptability and flexibility. Students are not confined to a one-size-fits-all educational experience; instead, they are granted the freedom to explore a diverse range of subjects tailored to their unique interests and aspirations. From STEM courses to humanities, fine arts to vocational training, TNT Academy offers a comprehensive array of programs, ensuring that each student's individual talents and passions are not just recognized but actively cultivated.

A defining feature of TNT Academy's curriculum is its emphasis on real-world applications. Going beyond the theoretical realm, students are encouraged to apply their acquired knowledge to solve tangible problems, collaborate with peers, and actively engage with their communities. Internships, service-learning projects, and

entrepreneurial ventures are integral components of the curriculum, providing students with numerous opportunities to apply their skills in practical, real-life scenarios.

In addition to its commitment to hands-on experiences, TNT Academy leverages technology to enhance the learning journey. Interactive digital resources, online forums, and virtual labs complement traditional teaching methods, creating a dynamic and engaging educational environment. This integration of technology ensures that students not only grasp theoretical concepts but also develop the digital literacy skills essential for success in the modern world.

TNT Academy's curriculum is more than a collection of courses; it is a roadmap for lifelong learning and personal growth. By empowering students to pursue their passions, think critically, and embrace challenges, TNT Academy is not just redefining education; it is shaping the leaders and innovators of tomorrow.

The multifaceted nature of TNT Academy's curriculum goes beyond the conventional boundaries of education, preparing students not just for academic success but for a future where adaptability, creativity, and a deep understanding of the real-world applications of knowledge are paramount. In essence, TNT Academy's curriculum is a blueprint for fostering well-rounded individuals equipped to navigate the complexities of an ever-changing world.

Anyone in the world

In the rapidly evolving landscape of education, the paradigm shift brought about by online learning has been nothing short of revolutionary. The emergence of digital platforms has not only democratized access to education but has also paved the way for innovative approaches, especially in personalized learning. A trailblazer in this regard is TNT Academy, an institution that stands at the forefront of redefining education through a personalized lens.

The roots of online learning can be traced back to the early days of the internet when universities and institutions began experimenting with remote education. However, it was the convergence of advanced technology and a changing educational philosophy that truly unlocked the potential for personalized learning experiences. In this context, TNT Academy has emerged not just as an adopter but as a pioneer in harnessing the capabilities of technology to tailor education to individual needs.

From its inception, TNT Academy recognized the transformative power of personalized education. By seamlessly integrating cutting-edge technology with innovative pedagogical methodologies, TNT Academy has crafted an educational environment that goes beyond the traditional boundaries of brick-and-mortar institutions. Here, students are not just passive recipients of information; they are active participants in shaping their educational journey.


At the heart of TNT Academy's success is its commitment to personalized learning plans. Unlike conventional educational models with a one-size-fits-all approach, TNT Academy empowers students to collaborate with dedicated mentors, creating bespoke learning plans aligned with their interests, strengths, and aspirations. This approach not only fosters academic excellence but also instills a sense of ownership and self-directed learning in each student.


Moreover, TNT Academy leverages a diverse array of instructional tools, ranging from interactive simulations to virtual reality experiences. These immersive technologies transcend the limitations of traditional education, allowing students to explore complex concepts, conduct virtual experiments, and engage with course material in unprecedented ways. The result is an educational experience that is not only effective but also captivating and relevant in the digital age.


The impact of TNT Academy's personalized education model is profound, with students achieving remarkable success both academically and personally. By empowering learners to take control of their education, TNT Academy is not merely adapting to the evolution of online learning; it is actively shaping the future of education, paving the way for a new era of personalized, dynamic, and highly effective educational excellence.


In conclusion, the evolution of online learning has ushered in an era where education is no longer confined to traditional structures. TNT Academy stands as a testament to the possibilities that personalized education holds, showcasing how technology, when harnessed thoughtfully, can be a catalyst for empowering students to become active architects of their educational destinies.

[ Modified: Monday, 27 May 2024, 11:28 AM ]
Anyone in the world


In the pursuit of academic excellence, GLA University, a distinguished institution, undertook a transformative venture to redefine its learning ecosystem. Recognizing the shifting landscape of education, GLA University entered into a dynamic partnership with iTrack Learn, a leading ed-tech platform, aiming to revolutionize the educational experience and equip students for the demands of the modern workforce.

Unveiling the Collaborative Vision:

As a forward-thinking institution, GLA University sought innovative solutions to meet the diverse learning needs of its students. The collaboration with iTrack Learn wasn't just about technology integration; it was about elevating the quality of education, fostering skill development, and preparing students to thrive in a rapidly evolving professional landscape.

Challenges Faced by GLA University:

1. Diverse Learning Styles:

   Adapting to the diverse learning preferences and styles of a modern and varied student body.

2. Skill Development:

   Integrating skill development programs that align with industry requirements, enhancing students' employability.

3. Technology Integration:

   Ensuring seamless integration of technology for a more interactive and engaging learning experience.

4. Real-Time Progress Tracking:

   Establishing a system for real-time tracking of student progress and performance.


iTrack's Tailored Solutions:


1. Adaptive Learning Paths:   


iTrack introduced adaptive learning paths that cater to different learning styles, allowing students to progress at their own pace.

2. Industry-Aligned Skill Development:


   Skill development programs were aligned with industry standards, ensuring that graduates from GLA University are well-equipped for professional success.


3. Technology-Driven Learning:


   Leveraging iTrack's advanced Learning Management System (LMS), GLA University embraced technology-driven learning methodologies, including virtual classrooms, collaborative projects, and online assessments.


4. Real-Time Analytics:


   iTrack's LMS provided real-time analytics and reporting tools, enabling faculty members to monitor student performance, identify areas for improvement, and tailor teaching strategies accordingly.


5. Interactive Virtual Labs:


   Introduction of virtual labs and hands-on projects through iTrack's eLabs and eProjects, enriching the practical learning experience for students.


Results and Impact:


1. Enhanced Learning Outcomes:

   The collaboration significantly contributed to improved learning outcomes, with students demonstrating enhanced understanding and mastery of their subjects.


2. Increased Employability:

   The integration of skill development programs led to an increase in students' employability, making them industry-ready upon graduation.

3. Positive Student Feedback:

   Students reported a positive shift in their learning experiences, praising the interactive and engaging nature of iTrack's platform.


4. Faculty Empowerment:

   Faculty members experienced greater empowerment through advanced tools for content delivery, assessment, and personalized student support.


Future Prospects:


The collaboration between GLA University and iTrack stands as a testament to the power of technology in reshaping the education landscape. With a strong foundation laid for adaptive learning, skill development, and technology integration, GLA University is poised for continuous innovation in delivering high-quality education.




iTrack's collaboration with GLA University surpasses conventional partnerships; it is a commitment to creating an environment where students thrive, faculty excels, and the pursuit of knowledge is dynamic and fulfilling. As GLA University continues its journey of academic excellence, the collaboration with iTrack remains a cornerstone in shaping the future of education. This transformative partnership exemplifies the possibilities when technology and education converge with a shared vision of empowerment and excellence.

Anyone in the world


Embarking on a journey of progress and prosperity, governments worldwide channel their efforts towards enhancing the well-being of their citizens. At the forefront of this mission lies the imperative to bolster education and skill development—two pivotal pillars that shape societal advancement. This blog is a narrative of the transformative collaboration between the Andhra Pradesh State Skill Development Corporation (APSSDC) and iTrack, illuminating the impactful journey of skill development and empowerment unfolding in the heart of Andhra Pradesh.

Unveiling the Need for Skill Development in Andhra Pradesh:

Nestled within the vast expanse of India, the state of Andhra Pradesh recognizes the decisive role of education in sustaining livelihoods. Governments, including APSSDC—a dynamic Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Corporation in Andhra Pradesh—proactively seek ways to elevate the quality of education and training. As the demand for skilled workers reverberates,

APSSDC emerges with a mission to train the state's youth with courses aligned to industry demands, thereby enhancing employability and uplifting living standards.

Navigating Challenges: A Quest for Solutions:

Building a Sturdy Training Delivery Platform:

  • APSSDC's journey began with the challenge of delivering skill development programs effectively. The quest was to create a robust platform that could disseminate knowledge seamlessly.

Precision in Performance Tracking:

  • To evaluate the effectiveness of training initiatives, a need arose for detailed performance tracking mechanisms. APSSDC sought a solution to monitor the impact of their programs meticulously.

Crafting World-Class Training Sessions:

  • Executing high-quality training at an affordable cost became a pivotal challenge. APSSDC aimed to provide world-class education, transcending financial barriers.

Guiding Careers Post-Training:

  • Facilitating job placements for successfully trained individuals was another frontier. APSSDC sought to bridge the gap between education and employment, ensuring a smooth transition for learners.

Fine-Tuning Access Control:

  • Role-based access control was a necessity. APSSDC envisioned a platform that offered either full or restricted access based on user roles, ensuring a secure and streamlined experience.

Sailing with iTrack: Solutions that Illuminate the Path:

Enter iTrack, a strategic ally that provided tailored solutions to navigate APSSDC's challenges:

Embracing a Blended Learning Approach:

  • iTrack facilitated virtual and physical classroom training, reaching over 5000 learners in FY2016. The introduction of iKonnect, iTrack's web conferencing tool, paved the way for immersive live online classrooms.

Seamless Course and Batch Management:

  • iTrack's SCORM compliant Learning Management System (LMS) organized industry-specific courses efficiently. Dedicated batches on iTrack ensured the streamlined management of training programs.

Insightful Detailed Reports:

  • Comprehensive reports on learner training details, attendance, and performance provided crucial insights for effective guidance, enhancing the overall efficiency of training initiatives.

Job Bridge:

  • A bridge to opportunities, Job Bridge on iTrack allowed learners to seamlessly apply for available job opportunities, completing the training cycle with a pathway to employment.

Triumphs and Aspirations:

  • Over 5000 learners trained in FY2016, signaling the success of the blended learning approach.

  • Detailed reports acted as guiding beacons, steering learners towards success and enriching the impact of training programs.

  • iKonnect became the conduit for live online classrooms, breaking barriers to accessibility.

  • Job Bridge emerged as a gateway to job placements, completing the circle of successful training.

A Glimpse into the Future:

APSSDC envisions a future where over 20,000 learners undergo training by the end of 2020. This ambitious trajectory reflects the collaborative success of APSSDC and iTrack. As a secure and scalable learning platform, iTrack continues to play a pivotal role in realizing these ambitious targets.

In Conclusion:

The partnership between APSSDC and iTrack stands as a testament to the transformative power of technology in advancing education and skill development. Going beyond the conventional boundaries of learning, this collaboration has not only met the objectives of the corporation but has also contributed to the holistic development of Andhra Pradesh. This narrative captures the essence of a partnership that exemplifies the potential of technology to elevate socio-economic landscapes.

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In the pursuit of economic growth and empowerment, the Kerala Knowledge Economy Mission (KKEM) set forth an ambitious goal — generating employment for over 2 million individuals in Kerala within the next five years. To achieve this, KKEM recognized the pivotal role of

cultivating a highly skilled workforce capable of meeting the evolving demands of various sectors, both nationally and globally. The challenge was clear: elevate the communication skills, workplace capabilities, and overall personality development of job seekers to ensure their competitiveness in the dynamic job market.

Understanding the Challenge

The mission identified a pressing need for comprehensive solutions to address the multifaceted aspects of skill development and personality enhancement. Job seekers required guidance not just in traditional skills but also in adapting to the modern workplace, necessitating a holistic approach to education and training.

Enter TNT: A Catalyst for Transformation

Skills Framework

TNT played a pivotal role in reshaping the landscape of skill development through its innovative Skills Framework. TNT’s tool served as a compass for job seekers, guiding them to identify programs tailored to develop, upgrade, diversify, and transform their skills. By collaborating with Skills Service Providers affiliated with KKEM — including universities, higher educational institutions, and research institutions — TNT ensured a comprehensive and well-rounded approach to skill enhancement.

Personality Development Training (PDT) Module: Crafting Well-rounded Professionals

Recognizing the significance of holistic development, TNT introduced a groundbreaking Personality Development Training (PDT) Module. This 16-hour intensive program aimed to enhance workplace communication, interpersonal skills, and overall personality development, with a specific focus on refining English language proficiency. This module went beyond the conventional, fostering confidence building, teamwork abilities, and effective English

communication. Flexibility was key, with PDT sessions available in both offline and online modes, ensuring accessibility for all.

Internship Module: Bridging the Experience Gap

For job seekers lacking industry experience, TNT's Internship Module proved instrumental. This initiative provided candidates, particularly students, with a valuable opportunity for hands-on learning outside the traditional classroom setting. Placed in supervised work-based learning situations with employers, candidates engaged in planned learning activities, gaining practical insights into their chosen fields. Stipends, either provided by industries according to their norms or by KKEM, added an extra layer of support for those undergoing training.

Work Readiness Programme: Preparing for Success

Understanding that success extends beyond technical skills, TNT incorporated a Work Readiness Programme into the placement process via the DWMS portal. This free program aimed to equip job seekers with the essential skills and confidence needed for successful interviews. Covering crucial aspects such as interview skills, confidence building, and mock interviews, the program ensured that candidates approached interviews well-prepared and with a heightened sense of self-assurance.

Beyond the Horizon: Extending the Impact

While the KDISC Project initiated by TNT addressed immediate challenges, its impact extends far beyond the present. By nurturing a workforce equipped with not only technical skills but also a holistic set of abilities, KKEM is laying the foundation for sustainable growth. The Skills Framework continues to serve as a dynamic guide for individuals seeking continuous improvement and adaptability in an ever-changing job landscape.

Looking Ahead: The Future of Skill Development

As we navigate an era of rapid technological advancements and global connectivity, the need for versatile and adaptable professionals has never been greater. The success of the KDISC Project underscores the importance of proactive skill development initiatives in shaping the future workforce. TNT, in collaboration with KKEM, has not only addressed a specific challenge but has also set a precedent for the integration of comprehensive skill development programs in regional economic missions.

In conclusion, the KDISC Project stands as a testament to the transformative power of targeted skill development initiatives. By empowering individuals with a diverse skill set and nurturing a holistic approach to personal and professional growth, TNT and KKEM are collectively shaping a brighter and more resilient future for job seekers in Kerala. As the journey continues, the impact of these initiatives is bound to reverberate through the halls of educational institutions, workplaces, and communities, contributing to the realization of KKEM's vision for a thriving and knowledge-driven economy.

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In an age marked by swift technological advancement, IBM, a global tech leader, embarked on a trailblazing venture - the establishment of the IBM Innovation Center of Education (ICE) in collaboration with esteemed educational institutions. This initiative wasn't just about imparting cutting-edge skills to students; it was a mission to redefine the standards in the education industry.

The Need for Innovation:


IBM ICE faced a formidable challenge - delivering industry-aligned programs to students in a rapidly evolving landscape. The solution lay in a robust content delivery platform that could seamlessly handle live virtual classrooms, secure eLearning content delivery, and virtual programming environments.


Challenges Faced by IBM ICE:


Diverse Training Formats:

Meeting the demand for both live virtual and physical classroom training.


Secure Learning Management System (LMS):

Ensuring the security of eLearning content and providing a reliable platform.


Virtual Programming and Project Environment:

Offering environments for coding practice and collaborative project work.


Detailed Reports:

Generating insightful reports on program performance and student engagement.


Train the Trainer (T3):

Equipping educators with the latest technological knowledge for effective training.


The iTrack Solution:


IBM turned to iTrack, a versatile learning platform, to handle the delivery of IBM ICE programs. The collaboration birthed innovative solutions for each challenge:


Blended Learning Approach:


iKonnect, iTrack's web conference tool, facilitated live virtual classroom sessions.

Recorded sessions provided students with on-demand access to course content.

Physical classroom trainings were organized as needed.


Intelligent Learning Management System (LMS):


iTrack's LMS ensured secure and organized access to course materials.

Faculties had exclusive editing rights to course content.


Virtual Programming and Project Environment:

eLabs, iTrack's virtual programming environment, offered labs in over 20 programming languages.

eProjects enabled students to collaborate on real-time industry projects, enhancing their hands-on experience.


Detailed Reports:


iTrack provided comprehensive reports on courses, student enrollment, attendance, and performance.

Insights from reports facilitated continuous improvement in training programs.


Train the Trainer (T3):


iTrack sourced Subject Matter Experts and Industry Instructors for T3 events.

These events equipped faculties with the latest knowledge to deliver effective training.




iTrack successfully delivered IBM ICE programs to over 20 colleges in India, South East Asia, and the Middle East within a year.

More than 5000 students benefited from the programs, securing careers with IBM and other multinational corporations.

Over 100 faculties were trained through T3 events, ensuring a skilled pool of educators.

IBM ICE's success spurred awareness about the demand for specialists in the latest technologies among learners, faculties, and colleges.




IBM's collaboration with iTrack in the establishment of IBM ICE isn't just a success story; it's a testament to the transformative power of technology in education. The impact goes beyond benefiting thousands of students; it has set the stage for other corporations to replicate similar education centers. The ongoing partnership between IBM and iTrack continues to shape the future of education and workforce development.

Anyone in the world

At TransNeuron Technologies, we believe that integrating real-world skills with academic learning is crucial in the fast-evolving tech landscape. Our iTrack platform exemplifies this philosophy by providing an immersive learning experience that bridges the gap between

theoretical knowledge and practical application. This blog explores the successful journey of Vignesh Baskaran, who leveraged iTrack for his .NET training.


In the modern workspace, the ability to adapt and learn remotely is more than just a convenience—it's a necessity. Vignesh Baskaran’s experience with the .NET training course on iTrack is a prime example of how virtual platforms can transform learning and professional development.


Vignesh embarked on his journey to deepen his programming skills and gain a robust understanding of the .NET framework—a critical tool for any aspiring software developer. Utilizing the iTrack platform, he was able to engage in comprehensive training from the comfort of his own home.

The Challenge

Like many developers, Vignesh initially grappled with the practical application of complex programming concepts. The transition from theoretical knowledge to real-world application can be challenging without the right resources and guidance.

The Solution: iTrack’s Approach

iTrack’s structured .NET training program, crafted by industry experts, provided Vignesh with a sequential learning process that mirrors real-world scenarios. The course covered:

  • Abstract Submission: Introduction to .NET concepts.

  • System Requirements Documentation: Understanding the framework's requirements.

  • System Analysis and Design: Detailed analysis and design phases.

  • Code Implementation: Hands-on programming and implementation.

  • Testing and Feedback: Critical evaluation and feedback from seasoned professionals.

Each phase of the training was designed to not only impart knowledge but also to enhance the learner's ability to apply these concepts effectively in their work environment.

The Impact

For Vignesh, iTrack transformed his approach to software development. He praised the platform’s user-friendly interface and the practical, step-by-step training process. This hands-on experience is invaluable for tech professionals aiming to excel in complex software development environments.


Vignesh Baskaran’s testimony underscores the effectiveness of iTrack in preparing tech professionals to meet the demands of the industry. By offering a practical, structured approach to education, iTrack not only enhances learning but also significantly boosts the employability and skills of its users.


"I am truly ecstatic about the .NET training through iTrack. Working from home, I was immersed in a learning process so robust that it felt like being guided by experts in person. Thanks to Ranjan sir and Melroy sir for turning complex programming concepts into an understandable and applied skill set. This training has not just taught me; it has transformed my approach to software development." - Vignesh Baskaran

This success story of Vignesh Baskaran is a testament to how TransNeuron Technologies’ iTrack platform can revolutionize learning and professional growth in the tech industry.

[ Modified: Sunday, 26 May 2024, 7:07 PM ]
Anyone in the world


In the evolving landscape of technology education, practical experience is as critical as theoretical knowledge. TransNeuron Technologies' iTrack platform stands out by bridging this gap for students in the field of Information Technology. This case study explores the experience of Keerthana Ponnusamy, an IT student from Kongu Engineering College, who utilized the iTrack platform during her .NET training.


Keerthana Ponnusamy embarked on her journey to deepen her understanding of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)—a fundamental area of study for any aspiring software engineer. The iTrack platform offered her a unique opportunity to apply her theoretical knowledge in a simulated corporate environment.

The Challenge

Like many students in the IT field, Keerthana faced the challenge of transforming theoretical software engineering principles into practical application. The academic environment often focuses more on theoretical aspects, leaving a gap in practical skills that are crucial in a real-world setting.

The Solution: iTrack's Approach

iTrack, with its comprehensive suite of features tailored for education and training, provided Keerthana with a structured approach to software development. The platform guided her through each phase of the SDLC, from initial communication and requirement gathering to coding and implementation. Notably, iTrack facilitated this process in a sequential manner that mirrors real-world software development projects:

  • Abstract Submission: Initial concept overview.

  • System Requirements Documentation: Detailed listing of software needs.

  • System Analysis: Assessment of system specifications.

  • System Design: The blueprint phase.

  • Acceptance Testing: Ensuring the software meets certain criteria before finalizing.

  • Work Breakdown: Detailed tasks and schedules.

  • Code Submission: The final step where actual programming is applied.

The Impact

For Keerthana, the iTrack platform transformed her understanding of software development from a theoretical exercise into a dynamic, practical experience. She highlighted the platform’s user-friendly interface and the realistic, step-by-step process that mimicked corporate practices. This hands-on experience is crucial for students aiming to enter the tech industry, equipped not just with knowledge but with real application skills.


Keerthana Ponnusamy’s testimonial underscores iTrack's effectiveness in preparing students for the demands of the tech industry. By offering a practical, structured approach to software development education, iTrack not only enhances learning but also increases the employability of its users.


"iTrack provides a platform where I can develop my applications according to the SDLC, converting my theoretical knowledge into practical experience, giving me a feel of working in a corporate environment. Thank you for this wonderful experience that enhances my skills according to the needs of the corporate sectors." - Keerthana Ponnusamy


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